My Story
Having worked as a barrister in London for 20 years I was exhausted by the long hours and the commuting, so in 2022 I moved to Marbella - it had always been a dream of mine so I needed to make it happen! I had been doing some consultancy work, flying back and forth to the UK but I needed a purpose here in Marbella, but I was unsure what that looked like.
In June 2024, I popped on a sleeveless dress and looked at my arms and thought oh my - I have old arms. I broke my wrist 2 years ago and since then I had subconsciously stopped doing upper body workouts. I was still running and spinning and some swimming but no longer focused on arm workouts. I knew I could start upper body workouts again but I know it takes 1000s of repetitions and months to get the shape and definition to any muscle group.
Anyhow, I went to see a plastic surgeon at HC hospital and he advised he could do the surgery but that I would have a scar from under my arm pit to almost my elbow. I know scars fade and you can conceal them, but that, together with a price tag of almost €5000 led me to do more research. And I did a lot of research! That’s when I read about electro-magnetic stimulation (EMS) to build muscle and to reduce fat. I was sceptical but I was so upset about my arms I had to try it.
I had four EMS sessions followed by four skin tightening sessions and my arms looked amazing. That’s it I thought - I am going to set up a clinic offering non-invasive treatments for arms (bingo wings). My research started again so I could find the right machine - one with all the right legal certifications (that’s the problem with lawyers we need to do our due diligence). I also researched all the clinical papers to ensure my results weren’t just a fluke.
And here I am, three machines later..
One machine for the body - arms (bingo wings), thighs (those bits that go saggy at the top if you don’t keep running), abdomen, calves and buttocks - you can get that cheeky perky bum back!)
One machine for the face - this gently stimulates facial muscles using electro magnetic stimulation to create strength and therefore lift in the face - amazing - I love it. You need eight sessions and I am on my fourth and again I’m convinced in this technology.
The third machine is the traditional Velashape; it targets stubborn areas of fat like muffin tops and love handles, improves skin texture and tone and works wonders on cellulite and stretch marks. This is also a good combination to use with body contouring if your skin needs extra tightening.
Velashape is also effective on face wrinkles - especially those pesky lines above the lips.
Our Commitment
So now to my pursuit and commitment - the number of treatments required differs from person to person and those on the web-site are a very fair estimate of how many are needed to see results. However, I want every customer to walk away like I did - happy! So I am committed to carrying out the treatments I believe are required and if the results are not forthcoming - I will keep going (at no extra cost) until we achieve the improvements and the results we had discussed at our complimentary consultation.
If you are interested in learning more please book a complimentary consultation - no strings - I will even give you a demo. Please also check out our treatments and packages available and also membership pages.